

Here is a list of some of our HPAA Artist Members for 2023. You can click on their name to see samples of their work and/or a link to their website.

Daniel C. Boyer

Jessica Burko

Joyce Caggiano

Thomas Coon

David Dauer

Laura Gatzos

Erik Gehring

Marc Goldring

Lisa Goren

Antoinette Harrell

Larry Johnson

Carol Johnson

Barbara Kibler

Oscar Lazo

Rob Larsen

Joni Lohr

Sasja Lucas

Omarlyn Martinez

Maritza Ranero

Mardi Reed

Judith Robichaud

Susie Robson

Adele Rothman

Tamara Safford

Barbara Trachtenberg

Erica Schwartz

Jan Shapiro

Susan Strouse

Lynne Viti

Al Wallstrom